Pizza Ovens

Everyone dreams of having a pizza oven built in their garden just like James Martin or Jamie Oliver, but the market for pizza ovens has risen rapidly and there are some amazing portable alternatives for the budding chef such as the Ooni pizza oven.
Whether you’ve become a pizza aficionado or it’s still a hobby, our Flamers make lighting the oven a breeze and as they are completely natural and odourless, your hands will not get impregnated with any paraffin smell as you would when using the traditional paraffin firelighters.
KindleFlamers work superbly in pizza ovens and mean that you do not need to buy kindling. Just lay 2 smaller logs on the base, add the KindleFlamer across the ridge, two smaller logs across the KindleFlamer and light – job done! Make sure you use kiln dried logs in your pizza oven and we recommend using a thinner cut log so that get a good flamer faster and quicker heat.
“I love these natural flamers as they have no nasty chemicals odour and they burn really well, would never use anything else after using these.”
“We have a variety of wood-fired ovens that range in size and find the kindle flamer perfect for getting them started at the beginning of shifts. We have used similar products in the past but find the larger size of the Kindle Flamer ideal to get cold ovens started and bypass the need to use kindling. They are like a 2 in 1 product of firelighter and kindling combined and are extremely useful” – Ffwrnes Pizza